Page 3 - Morter Report Winter 2018
P. 3

the BEST New Year
With every new year, there is a feeling of clean-slate hope that sweeps across the globe. Another chance, another opportunity, another year to be the person you’ve always dreamed of being or do the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. Of course, if you don’t do anything di erent than you did in 2017, then 2018 will probably turn out the same for you. You can make all kinds of resultuions to change, and you have to take the ac on necessary to keep those resolu ons alive!
If 2017 was a year of new beginnings, 2018 is going to be a year of building, restructuring, and manifesta on. Whatever new beginnings we have had to start or introduce into our lives, we are now going to be given the opportunity to start building on them, and laying the founda on for the life we want to lead. So take ac on on your goals and dreams this year – there’s no be er  me to do it!

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