Page 5 - Morter Report Winter 2018
P. 5

First, you have a dream. Then you gain a desire to accomplish that dream. And, if you really intend to accomplish your dream, you begin to pay a en on to the ac on steps involved in obtaining it. You set your inten ons. This is when you create your vision board.
• Begin this process with deep rhythmic breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this for 1 minute without stopping.
• Take out your journal and begin wri ng down the things that are important to you. This process requires your complete a en on in a calm se ng with no distrac ons. You may want to start with a “stream of consciousness” wri ng just to get all of your thoughts out and on paper so you can begin to iden fy which things really move you – exactly what you desire to have in your life. From feelings, to people, to things – everything counts! What do you want? What do you need? What do you value? And, how would you feel when those things manifest?
• Stop and read what you have wri en down and breathe again slowly as before.
• Next, gather magazines, photos, etc., and go through and cut out any people, colors, or pa erns that inspire you and align with what you have discovered in step 2. Don’t overthink it; just go with your gut and have fun. The point is, you’re spending  me on your inten ons and feeding them posi ve energy.
• Now, map out where you want your images to appear on your board. The layout of your board serves best as depicted in the picture here. Pay special a en on to what you place in the center of your board – it will be the main focus of all your dreams.
• Use the Morter March to synchronize yourself to your vision board, while focusing on each sec on – upper le , upper middle, upper right, le  of middle, middle, right of middle, lower le , lower middle and lower right – being thankful and grateful for the successful realiza on of the dreams in that sec on.
• Display your vision board somewhere you will see it o en – mul ple  mes a day.
• Now that you’ve tapped into what you really want and can see it everyday, allow yourself to meditate on these visions by constantly imagining them as real. The more excited you get about what you want to create, the more likely you’ll be to a ract it into your life.
And, this is not where it ends. Do all the steps – dream about it; envision how you will realis cally do it or get it; and then take massive ac on to make it happen. You are really transforming your vision board into an ACTION board!

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