Page 6 - Morter Report Winter 2018
P. 6

Loving Yourself
Melissa Higby
Loving yourself is one of those topics very near and dear to my heart. Likely, because this is an area I have personally done a lot of work in. Frankly, it has been the wisest investment I have ever made.
A er living almost 40 years on this earth I recognized that I s ll struggled with  nding, embracing, and voicing my value in the world. My  nances were a disaster, I was unhappy, and working myself silly. I knew it was  me for a radical shi . I declared 2012 the year of loving myself.
I discovered Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, and it resonated perfectly with my declara on. This book o ered some pre y “o  the wall” exercises. I reminded myself that I had commi ed to radical change, no ma er how weird I felt. One of the exercises is really SEEING yourself in the mirror through kind eyes and loving the person you see there, instead of lis ng the faults that have become so ingrained they automa cal- ly bubble to the surface. I won’t lie, this was VERY di cult at  rst. A er all, I had spent 39 plus years seeing every line, every ounce of fat, every scowl. My brain was trained to automa cally go there. One day I was really struggling with this exercise and I heard that s ll, small voice on the inside (God) whisper, “See yourself through my eyes.” Wow! A er the tears cleared, I saw myself in a whole new way.
This was God’s reminder that I am here to do important work and I will never realize my full poten al hiding behind those false beliefs I created for myself, as well as those beliefs I had willingly accepted when others handed them over. I would love to say I never struggle since this realiza on, but the truth is, it s ll takes commi ed e ort on my part. Some days are easier than others. On the more di cult days, I remind myself that I am worthy of all great things and that I can be a be er servant to the world, by showing up as my whole, loving, and empowered self.
This is an excerpt from Melissa’s ar cle in Lesson 1 of the Morter Rela onship e-Study program available for purchase.

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