Due to severe weather (tornado) and power outages, shipping delays are expected.

Be Your BEST with Dr. Tom Morter
Thursday, March 17, 2016 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm)

Thursday evening is all about finding and unlocking your Personal Pattern so you can begin to experience life as it was intended to be. Happy, healthy and successful is the new pattern update. If I told you that you can re-synchronize to a new pattern of winning, an all-new pattern of success, would you do it? Everyone wants it, but few are willing to take the next step. Are you willing to embrace the secret to unlock your Personal Pattern? By learning to harness and focus your core/heart energy, you will become unstoppable! And, you’ll learn the technology of the Morter March, so your family, friends and community will benefit too! The class is totally FREE, and you MUST pre-register to reserve a seat.

Personal Care with Dr. Tom Morter
Friday, March 18, 2016 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Saturday, March 19, 2016 (9:00 am to 12:00 noon)

Why not take advantage of this rare opportunity to have one of the founders and developers of B.E.S.T. technology work personally and directly with you, one on one? Truly life changing, Extended Personal Care will reveal to you, the top priority in your life and exactly what you need to do to release the stored Patterns which are holding you back and help you move forward into your abundant life. You will move forward feeling more confident, in charge of your life, and possess the tolls necessary to make informed decisions regarding your health, happiness and success. With over 40 years in development, Personal Care with Dr. Tom Morter is truly life changing. Email mel@morter.com for additional payment options.

Practitioner B.E.S.T. Training
Saturday, March 19, 2016 (2:00 pm to 6:00 pm)
Sunday, March 20, 2016 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm)

Whether you have previously attended a class or a Master B.E.S.T. Practitioner, this is the time to join your fellow B.E.S.T. enthusiasts for 2-Days of hands on training. Offered by Dr. Tom Morter, this training is designed to review the basics and then move directly into the advanced work with ample time for questions and practical experience. Professional B.E.S.T Study Program Members attend for FREE! (Please email mel@morter.com to register for FREE!)

You will leave this training with the confidence you can bring this work to the world as a confident B.E.S.T. Practitioner. Deepen you understanding, practice your art, and rub shoulders with the best of the B.E.S.T., practitioner Training is the logical step to truly being your B.E.S.T.

Be Your B.E.S.T., Personal Care and Practitioner B.E.S.T. Training

Register for all B.E.S.T. Australia seminars – March 17-20, 2016

Now is the time to reserve your place for success, register today!

For questions and information about our seminars and Morter HealthAlliance, please contact us at 479.631.2749 or visit www.morter.com.