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Creeping Acidosis

A couple eating foods that may raise their body's acid levels.

Creeping Acidosis

Pain is the most obvious sign of disease or “trouble” in your body. 

However, not all symptoms or signs of illness are painful. 

Symptoms of acidosis don’t appear suddenly. They, like the acidosis itself, “creep up” on you. Creeping acidosis differs from the acidosis you may experience when you take the pH challenge from the pH Your Potential for Health booklet. That’s when you intentionally flood your body with high-protein food for a couple of days and raise your internal acid level quickly. However, that’s a temporary surge of acid. The acidosis we’re talking about here comes from months and years of day-after-day, high-protein intake. This is the diet regimen that strains your alkaline reserve and backup systems. And this is the diet regimen that is the cause of much of the pain and misery that show up in doctor’s offices.

However, before you reach crisis-level acidosis, your infinitely intelligent body often provides pre-pain warning signs that it is overly acidic. 

These pre-pain signs, like road signs in a foreign language, are easily ignored if you don’t know how to read them. One of the most important early indicators of excess acidosis is the inability to sleep six to seven hours straight without waking up.

In 1921, Hasker Kritzer, MD, offered a list of nine symptoms of acidosis. 

These symptoms are so mild and commonplace that it’s hard to think of them as legitimate “symptoms.” They don’t hurt or interfere with your daily activities. They appear more as changes in your personality than symptoms. You may recognize these symptoms in your family members, friends, spouse, children, or even yourself.

Symptoms of Acidosis

  1. An exaggerated sense of well-being
  2. Overly ambitious and restless
  3. Increasingly irritable and ill-tempered
  4. Difficult to please – fault finder
  5. Pessimist – sees only the downside
  6. Restless sleeper
  7. Wakes up tired in the morning – needs coffee or some other stimulant to start the day
  8. Becomes increasingly fatigued – physical symptoms begin to appear
  9. Begins to have muscle weakness or cramps

Even more personal signs and symptoms can give earlier warnings of creeping acidosis: diarrhea, constipation, and a cold. Any significant change in how you feel or your body is functioning can indicate that your body is seeking balance. The common cold is more than just annoying. It is one of your body’s methods of cleaning itself from the inside. 

Scientists can do test-tube searches of the germ world from now until forever to find the cause of the common cold and still come up empty-handed. The cause of the common cold isn’t germs. Germs are with us all the time. The cause of most colds is toxicity which lowers the body’s resistance. The runny nose, coughing, and sneezing symptoms of a cold are the body’s way of cleansing itself of excess toxins. This cleansing can return the body to a more normal state.

The flu falls into the same category. If flu germs were the sole cause of flu epidemics, everyone would get it. But not everyone does. Even in a family that lives together, some get the flu while others will not. You get the flu when your body is working to survive serious threats like toxic acidosis. Toxicity lowers the body’s resistance; reduced resistance is the “welcome mat” for germs.

You can learn how to keep your body in a healthful state by starting to better manage your pH levels.