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Essentials For Your Animals

Essentials For Your Animals

As we prepare for the Animal B.E.S.T. training weekend at Morter Farm, June 11-13, I think it’s important that we share some basic information here about something vital to your pet’s health – choices in the 6 Essentials! Because the truth is, your pet’s health is a direct reflection of choices in the 6 Essentials (what they eat and drink, how they exercise and rest, what they breathe and what they think) just as it is with us. With humans, the most important of the Essentials is “what you think.” In your pets, it’s “what they eat.”

Whether you make your own homemade food, or add fresh ingredients to a high-quality natural pre-packaged food, it is important that your pet’s diet includes raw ingredients. The processing necessary for either canning or drying removes the life force from foods, including the enzymes allowing for proper digestion, because complete and proper digestion means nutrients are absorbed by the body. These same enzymes also play an important role in the functioning of the immune system, the blood, the organ function and, most importantly, cellular activity.

All living things survive at the cellular level. Humans and animals alike are made up of trillions of cells. Cells organize into tissues of like cells called organs, which communicate with each other by the nervous system and other energy systems. This optimal communication between organs and the control center, the brain, create a state of being in humans and animals called homeostasis. Homeostasis is only possible when there are adequate nutrients available at the cellular level.

What your dog/pet eats is paramount for lasting health. Preservatives, color enhancers, foreign chemicals, pesticides, diseased animal byproducts – these are what most commercial pet foods are made of. Add to that the very low standards and regulations on the production of pet foods and the origins of the ingredients – shocking facts that are ignored by an industry controlled by the lobbying efforts of large-scale pet food producers who’s focus on the bottom line makes your pet’s health a non-issue. In humans, over-processed “fast foods” are being linked to a host of life-shortening conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. Why wouldn’t some of these same low cost, highly processed ingredients be causing similar problems in our pets? It appears they are! According to The Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer is the leading cause of death in 47% of dogs over age ten and 32% of cats.

Make good choices with your pets in all of the 6 Essential areas, all while keeping your pets balanced with B.E.S.T. We can help you keep your pet around for a good long time living a healthy, happy life! Consider attending the upcoming Animal B.E.S.T. training where you will learn how to make the best choices for your pet’s health and leave the training with the knowledge you have done virtually everything possible to help balance your furry friend!

The key to your pet’s health is making the correct choices “with them”, and keeping their body in balance with B.E.S.T. Call us for more information and to register for the upcoming class. 1-800-874-1478. See you at Animal B.E.S.T.!