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Outgrown Beliefs

Outgrown Beliefs

Outgrown Beliefs

Beliefs that are formed by negative experiences put negative energy into the field. Few children escape childhood without hours of negativity. This means that a developing subconscious is subjected to and permeated with a bunch of negative energy. When beliefs are reactivated as thoughts, negative energy is also reactivated. More organizing energy goes into the chaotic field. Also, organizing the field decreases the availability of complete energy information.

Ideally, our beliefs mature along with us – but not always. As small children, we tend to believe that the world revolves around us and our wants. As adults, we should have learned that our wants and needs aren’t the fulcrum that moves the world. Close examination of the beliefs that lurk behind your every action can reveal beliefs in a state of arrested development. Outgrown beliefs can pinch like outgrown shoes!

One of the most common, strong-held beliefs that can cause problems is the belief that everyone else should think, act, respond, see things, and believe exactly the way “I” do. The he-should-be-more-like-me belief is behind all sorts of personal and international confrontations. We need to remember that each of us has developed his or her own beliefs from personal experience and perceptions. And, since no two lives are identical, no two belief systems are identical either. Or, to put it another way, we all have our own lessons to learn.

The problem with living with outgrown beliefs is that they impose unnecessary stress on your body. If your mature actions don’t fit your outgrown beliefs, the natural consequence is guilt that can escalate to self-contempt. And that’s negative! And, as we said already, negative feelings can undermine your health and bring on physical pain. The association between very real back pain and a violated belief may not be obvious. However, on those occasions when you are in pain and your doctor tells you, “I can’t find anything wrong,” it’s time to think about the congruency of your beliefs and actions. Examine the things that are going on in your life and examine your beliefs about each situation and yourself. You may find some big dichotomies.