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We Set Ourselves Up for Health or Disease

We are thrilled to release our 2021 schedule and are planning online events this fall with details to be announced very soon. We miss you. We love you. We’ll be back in 2021 with our LIVE events. And, until that time, you will be seeing more and more of our programs online! Wishing you the BEST of health, happiness and success!

We Set Ourselves Up for Health or Disease

For too long we have given medical doctors the responsibility for our health. And what happens? Most of us do pretty much what we want to do in the areas of the six essentials (what we eat, drink, how we exercise and rest, what we breathe and think), then when symptoms start to show up, we go to the doctor to “get fixed.” The doctor does his or her best, and we usually feel better. But if we don’t feel better or we don’t like the results, or the problem comes back, we complain and look for someone or something else to “fix” us. Doesn’t make sense, does it? We abuse our bodies, go to the doctor to “get fixed,” keep on doing what we were doing to get in the predicament in the first place, then become upset when the “fixing” doesn’t hold.

Who is really responsible for your health? Doctors can generally help to relieve symptoms, but they aren’t responsible for monitoring our thoughts and actions to keep us healthy. Each of us is responsible for our personal health. It’s up to us, as responsible adults, to give our bodies the same consideration we give our valuable possessions.

We don’t put leaded fuel in a car that is engineered to use unleaded. But we think nothing about fueling our alkaline designed bodies with too much acid-producing protein. We don’t keep calling 911 because the house might catch fire sometime in the nebulous future. But many people keep themselves primed for a possible emergency all day every day. That’s called worry or anxiety.

We take responsibility for our own health when we make sure the fuel and other stimuli we put into our bodies are what our bodies can use to the best advantage. When we do this, our bodies don’t become exhausted, we’re not troubled with unpleasant symptoms, and disease doesn’t gain a foothold.

Diet is a big contributor to exhaustion, symptoms, and disease. A body that is flooded daily with acid from too much protein works constantly to overcome the excess acidity. The body can do that – for survival. However, enough is enough. You’re designed to walk and talk and run and climb stairs. But if you do all or any of those day and night, year after year, you’re gong to get a little tired. Your acid fighting functions can be affected the same way.

When you overload your body with acid ash foods day in and day out, your body must continuously drum up standard and alternative methods of keeping your body alkaline. In time, not only are systems and organs exhausted, but also your supply of available alkaline reserve minerals is exhausted. The end result is symptoms of disease. And you may not realize that the disease symptoms are even remotely connected with diet or other choices you’ve made in the six essential areas. So instead of complaining about disease, be thankful that your body can adapt to keep you alive despite your eating and lifestyle indiscretions. And then, start setting yourself up for health instead of disease with healthy choices in the six essentials.