You may think you want your life to be neat, tidy, and organized. However, your field needs to be disorganized if you are looking for health, happiness, and success. Field organization reduces information availability. Organization in the field doesn’t eliminate any of the information; it reduces its availability. A full-bodied field is full of complete energy. All information is available; it’s just not in a neat, tidy package.
This is an off-beat concept for our society where organizations – government, business, and support groups rule the day. Organization makes life easier in most things, but where your field is concerned, it restricts accessibility to all of the information. Think of your field as a pot of thick vegetable soup with many vegetables and no organization. Stick a ladle into the soup, and the vegetables swirl with the currents. Your ladle comes up with beans, carrots, okra, cabbage, turnips, and maybe even a bay leaf. Everything in the soup is available at any time. But let’s do a soup that’s a little different. Suppose you built a pot of organized soup. Peas in one row, beans in another, okra, carrots, and all of the other goodies neatly arranged and segregated from each other. Now, you put your ladle in the pot and come up with only some of the vegetables. There is a whole “spectrum” of vegetables, but you can only get to some of them. That’s what happens when your field is organized. You don’t want your peas, turnips, and spices lined up like a battalion of tin soldiers in your soup!
The greatest organizers of fields are negative thoughts and feelings. They interfere with whole energy transmission – they keep you from getting to the spices in your soup! On the other hand, positive thoughts and feelings, for the most part, just “slide” into your personal field like the salt you add to your soup. Positive thoughts and feelings don’t interfere with the “stirred up” condition of your field. Intense negative thoughts and feelings are like too many “starchy” ingredients in your soup. They gum up the works.
Negative thoughts are primary energy field cloggers. When you produce a continuous supply of negative thoughts, there is a constant bombardment of restrictive, organizing negative thought energy in your field. Organization “damages” your field, and when the field is damaged, the body is more vulnerable to trauma of any intensity and to all sorts of “attacks” – heart, germs, appendicitis, chronic disease, you name it. And, worst of all, it’s self-inflicted.
No one can damage another person’s field, no matter how powerful or influential. Each individual is responsible for cultivating his or her own field. Field therapy comes through positive thoughts, attitudes, and feelings. And you are the only one with the power of control over your thoughts, attitudes, emotions, or feelings.
Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast