B.E.S.T. Living Homestudy Course Kit
A powerful program with 9 completely new recordings on easy-to-follow CDs.
The powerful B.E.S.T. Release DVD technology and an amazing 75-page full-color implementation guide and workbook! The keys to unlimited health, happiness, and success for you and your family are moments away!
- ALL NEW B.E.S.T. Essentials – A new and exciting look at the choices you make in six critical areas of your life every day which leads you to a path of vibrant health or a path to disease.
- ALL NEW Forgive for Life – I personally took the Morter Forgiveness program and expanded it to include the action steps you actually must take to Forgive for Life. This is an amazing 5-step patented process of forgiveness that will eliminate the iron grip the past holds over your present and your future!
- pH TEST KIT- Everything you need to get started with testing your Alkaline reserve right away! Finally, a test which gives your actual potential for health, immediately!
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