Professional B.E.S.T. Certification Level Homestudy Course

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) is a process by which high brain thought, emotion, and vibrational interference are updated.  Using this technology, you can guide the body to neutralize the interference by identifying currently inappropriate stored subconscious emotions and then use energy balancing points to re-time the body system.  Subsequently, this allows the sub-conscious portions of the brain to update for current needs rather than being locked in the reaction from past experience, so muscle patterns are reestablished.

Of course, once the body is functioning in response to current, actual, and updated needs, true vibrant health can and will occur.  We’ve seen it time and time again.  Practitioners all over the world using B.E.S.T. have seen it time and time again.  This technology, developed by Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr., has stood the test of time, research, and patient response, making it one of the most powerful tools you can now start learning from anywhere you are, with this detailed, easy-to-follow home study program.

Course Price: $997.00

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