Are Fruits and Vegetables Less Nutritious Today? How Modern Farming Impacts Our Diets
Healthy eating may seem a lot harder to achieve thanks to the Standard American Diet, but are fruits and vegetables less nutritious today than they were a few decades ago? For generations, our parents have been telling us to eat plenty of fruit and nagging us about finishing our serving of vegetables for dinner. Unfortunately, […]
Feeling the Craving or Craving the Feeling? What You Need to Know About Food Cravings
We’ve all felt the struggle to fight our food cravings. You enjoy a nice meal that leaves you feeling great afterward. In no time at all, you’re feeling hungry again when you return to work. You’re probably wondering, “How can I be hungry when I just ate lunch an hour ago?” That is the power […]
Watch Out For That Fear!
It happens almost every time I go out to the store . . . fear. Not on my part, but with almost everyone I encounter. Here’s what I see and maybe you do, too, if you pay attention. I’m walking down the aisle or even at the end of the aisle when someone looks up […]
Stress, Superfoods and Adaptogens
Stress is seemingly everywhere. From the pressure of job security and the uncertainty of healthcare to family and financial burdens, stress is almost unavoidable. Stress can make you short-tempered, unhappy, tired, and fatigued. Stress causes muscle tension and fatigue, increases cortisol production and inflammation, constricts blood vessels, and raises blood pressure. There are many proven […]
It’s Epigenetics!
Is it possible we experience things in the same way our parents and their parents did? And, is it possible the decisions we make every day are the result of the same decisions our parents made? Sounds absurd . . . or does it? Current research supports this notion with the explanation rooted in the […]